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Hey you! My name is Macy Gerig. I am the founder of Worship’n’Workout. I am currently attending Calvin University, obtaining my Bachelors Degree of Science in Kinesiology. My fitness journey is very different than a lot of peoples’. I was a multiple-sport athlete throughout my childhood years and into my high school years. My major sports leading into middle school and high school were soccer, basketball, and dive. I had dreams of becoming a college athlete, and still to this day think about what that would’ve looked like. However, God had other plans for me.

Despite my work ethic and determination for reaching my college-athlete goal, I had some serious road blocks (aka INJURIES). Let me tell ya, I could NOT get a break from these injuries. It felt like I would get two steps forward and then be put in a cast. The summer of my 8th grade year, I made the team for my dream soccer club. However, after playing multiple basketball games in a row, I was diagnosed with two stress fractures in my back. I sat the entire fall soccer season and the beginning of my winter basketball season. It wasn’t long after that recovery before I sprained my ankle in the spring State Cup soccer tournament. I made it an entire year before tearing my calf in a league high-school soccer game that resulted in a new boot for a month (stylish, I know). I returned for the winter club soccer season only to break my foot at a college prospect camp the following summer.

At that point, I thought I learned my lesson. I was ready to slow my life down, see what God had planned for me, and be obedient to the next steps I had to take. I made some huge life altering changes to my hectic schedule before taking a ball to my left temple on September 21, 2021. This concussion took away my vision in my left eye, created memory and cognitive thinking disabilities, and shot my chance of ever playing sports again.

Now, I do not say these things for pity. In fact, I say this to prove the exact opposite. I had a dream, yet God had a different plan. In the midst of all of these injuries, God has planted incredible lessons and values into my heart and showed me His overwhelming love and mercy. He used all of these injuries for GOOD and drew me close during the most vulnerable times. I fell in love with exercise throughout this journey and used exercise as a way to slow down and recenter myself in Him. This especially took place during the Covid shut down in March of 2020. I spent most of my days running and biking while listening to worship music.

Since then, I have been passionate about teaching people how to combine the two, worship and exercise, together. I want people to see that God can use your body, in its most vulnerable times, for GOOD. My mission is to help people workout and condition properly so that they can prevent injuries in their sports and throughout their lifetime. I have seen firsthand the impact of injuries and want to do my part to be educated and effective in prevention. I am passionate about the Word of God and will utilize it in every workout and program created. This is just a slim portion of my story. Thank you so much for joining in and helping me fulfil my God-given purpose! Let’s connect more! Click the social media links below and feel free to reach out!

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